About Us

Campanaro Boxing
Campanaro Boxing was established in 2020 but has been a long time coming! Owner, Vinny Campanaro, has been boxing since he was 15 years old. Almost 20 years later he is able to take all his knowledge and expertise to bring each and every client a customized experience. Vinny’s passion for boxing not only stems from the physical side of things but also to the mental aspects as well. After years of training on his own he started taking on clients in 2009. The dramatic changes he saw in their confidence and overall health is really what inspired him to pursue a career in personal and group trainings. Hailing from the east coast, Vinny studied and sparred with some talented fighters, including professional boxer Fernando Guerrero. In 2018 he decided to follow his dreams of living on the west coast and relocated to San Diego. He worked at Boxfit in North Park for 2 years teaching group classes and learning about Parkinson’s Disease and how boxing is transformative for those living with this disorder. He now humbly offers his expertise to all diversities of people.
Vinny is fortunate to have Donnis Reed on his team. Donnis is a former MMA fighter and active professional boxer. In addition, he is ISSA certified in complete fitness. You can catch Donnis and Vinny working together at their classes weekly in Mission beach or at Balboa Park!

“I may be old and he may be young, but he shows a respect that I fully reciprocate.”